Buenos Aires 2018

WHAT brand identiy

ROLE head of brand identity and look of the games


Como Head de Brand Identity and Look of the Games tuve a mi cargo la dirección de arte y diseño de todo el sistema gráfico de Buenos Aires 2018. Para muchos de los projectos realizados trabajamos con grandes Agencias como RG/A, HAVAS, PROJIMO, dónde, desde el Comité se bajaban los líneamientos y necesidades, acompañando y ejecutando el desarrollo de dichos projectos.
Desde el área se creó toda la gráfica desde la etapa Pre-Games de Buenos Aires 2018 como Games Time, lo que sería el Look of the Games del Juego Olímpico de la Juventud.
El sistema gráfico abarcó desde la papelería institucional, presentaciones, gráfica para eventos, producción de video y fotografía, iconografía y mapas, concepto de Parques, hasta la mascota, pictogramas, slogan, gráfica y carteñería para todas las competencias y zonas de no competencia.


Print Emblem

Print Emblem

Digital Emblem

Digital Emblem


El emblema de Buenos Aires 2018 fue creado por la agencia RGA bajo la dirección artística del Comité Organizador Buenos Aires 2018. El emblema surge de la búsqueda de formas en edificios íconicos de la ciudad de Buenos Aires.

Colour Palette.


Conceptually we divided the brand colour palette into the 4 Parks and stand alone venues. Each Park was identified by it’s colour and topic, finding in each one different sports and cultural offer.




Each Park icon was created based on the concept and cultural events the Park offered. This icons were used both in the look of the games and communication pieces.


The sports pictograms were created based on a project which involved kids from different City schools, were the children draw over a picture of the sport gesture without lifting their hands. Once we had all the drawings, we curated and unified curves and proportions, resulting in 34 sports pictograms which were approved by the IOC and each International Federation.




The slogan was created with the help of different areas involved in the Youth Olympic Games, such as the Argentine Olympic Committee, National Federations, athletes, Sponsors, Areas from the Government of the City of Buenos Aires, employees of the Buenos Aires 2018 organizing committee.
Starting from images, videos, and the mision and vision of Buenos Aires 2018 we carry out different games in groups, and ended the workshop with about 300 options. After this we curated the material and run them through internatioanl IP, and ended up with this slogan.


Youth Olympic Pass.


The Youth Olympic Pass, sponsored by Samsung, was created by the Ticketing department to be uses to enter each Park.
The design, colour and pattern was defined based on the production technology, and used the gradient colour palettes in order to give the brecelet a vibrant termination.
